Congratulate me, will you? Because this moment deserves a special mention. *impressive drum roll*
I’m feeling very self-righteous about my efforts – this is huge news for me, especially as it’s only early November! With special thanks to my Partner In Crime, today saw us hit the factory outlet shops for some serious Christmas gift purchasing. Bolstered with an energy-giving coffee, we scoured the racks and shelves for those elusive bargains (and found a few). It felt fantastic being able to cross some names off the ‘Need-To-Buy-For’ list. The trick now of course, will be whether or not I can keep this good work up. So much pressure!
I have several annoying clever friends who usually have their shopping finished by the start of October, all aforementioned presents bought, wrapped and hidden away ready for Christmas morning. Unfortunately, I am NOT one of these people. At 46, I have come to the realisation that I will NEVER be one of those people. But that’s okay. I still get it done, so that’s all that really matters.
Christmas seems to come around earlier every year, don’t you think? I do. My local shops had the cheek to whip out their decorations by the 1st of Sept. Just ridiculous. I studiously ignored them for 6 weeks because I wasn’t ready to even think about Christmas then. Of course I also made a mental note NOT leave the shopping to the last minute. Because that’s what usually happens. Years gone by have seen me power shopping in a semi-organised frenzy/panic during the last two weeks before Christmas. It’s hardcore shopping, people and definitely not for the faint hearted.
Who knows, maybe this year will actually be different! Keep your fingers crossed.
Now to the business of the day. It’s Monday after all. Seeing as we’re talking about shopping, today’s musical selection is all about one of the essentials you need to do it – money!
Happy Monday, everyone.
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