Well, hello Spring! One of my most favourite times of the year.
It’s a lazy Saturday morning as I write this and the sun is finally out, the upshot of that meaning it’s warm enough to walk around without slippers on! I’m still in my pyjamas and about to launch into a picture-perfect breakfast of poached egg, avocado, cherry tomatoes and just ONE piece of toasted bread (my first slice for almost 10 days. Am trying to lessen my intake as I’ve decided it makes me feel too bloated). Add to that some old-school blues crooning softly in the background with the most delicious guitar riffs ever! and you’ll get an idea of the very mellow, relaxed feeling we’ve got going on here this morning.
My youngest is also still in his pajamas post breakfast, curled up on the lounge with our ever-present staffy Spencer, battling multiple foes in Yu-Gi Oh land on his iPad. Spencer eyes me for a second before snuggling in closer, his boy is BACK, baby, and he’s loving it.
We both are, Spence, we both are.
It’s our first spring in this house. We moved in almost a month ago and it’s finally starting to feel like home. We’re getting used to our new surroundings and enjoying the freshness and comfort of a more modern abode. Especially in the bathroom! My friends, I cannot overemphasise the joy a shower with decent pressure is bringing this gal. Oh my. The majority of boxes have been unpacked with only a few finishing touches left to do, like hang up all my pictures. (I have quite a lot, as it turns out). I’ve always thought this is a job you can’t rush, sometimes you have to live in a place for a while to figure out where they all should go. I mean, placement of each picture is so important! As is how to hang them… especially when you’re renting and have that annoying rule about not being able to whack in a hook wherever you’d like without asking. And, as I patiently explained to the 12 year-old property manager, lots of my framed pictures are heavy and no stick-on hook is gonna hold those babies up, you know what I’m saying?
But we’re getting there!
I wanted to share a song that always takes me to that place where life is fluid and easy. Which for me is on the beach with a cocktail, sunnies and a hat. Isn’t it cool how music can get you through whatever’s going on in your life, soothe, relax, or inspire you? Seriously the best therapy ever. As always, it’s been my go-to when things get tough or I need to disconnect a little (along with Netflix – OMG can we talk Ozark please? Wow).
This is a classic from an Australian band, Men At Work. I love Colin Hay, their lead vocalist… he has an incredible purity and strength in his voice which always manages to take me somewhere good. Make sure you check out some of his solo stuff too, it’s fabulous!
Happy Monday peeps… turn this up and let your mind drift.
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