24 hours in a day are just NOT enough. Seriously. It’s been TWO WEEKS since I last posted anything here and I am FREAKING OUT. Are my readers still there? God, I sure hope so.
So what’s been happening with me? I thought you’d never ask. Here’s just SOME of what I’ve done over the past two weeks…
:: Took Son #2 to at least 10 rugby training sessions and/or games all over Sydney metro area. Yes, that’s right, TEN. Fark. Just as well I’m a rugby fan.
:: Made 14 dinners, 10 school lunches and several breakfasts/snacks. Ate chocolate. And more pieces of raisin toast with lashings of butter than I probably should have.
:: Washed an amount of clothes equivalent to the contents of a small department store.
:: Folded that same department load of clothes and put them away.
:: Took Son #3 to four sessions of karate.
:: Helped (and will continue to help because that’s just how I roll) very close girlfriend with laundry, showering & getting to doctor’s appointments. She recently fell over and now has a surgically implanted plate in her wrist for her trouble. Is currently living life one-handed and despairing over her wardrobe of tight sleeved tops.
:: Earned my keep as bookkeeper for The Provider’s business. Paid tax, creditors and a small part of my credit card bill. Shredded offer of credit increase from bank.
:: Attended a school assembly. Watched Son #3 receive an award. Felt SO proud.
:: Grocery shopped more times than I care to remember. God, the Blokes Wot Live Here can eat.
:: Wrote blog post in my head a million times
:: Dropped off and picked up Son #1 to various mates’ houses four times. No licence means Mum’s Taxi is always in demand.
:: Decluttered laundry cupboards. Discovered where the hot water bottles had been hiding. And the cushion covers with the broken zips.
:: Slept in just once. *sigh*
:: Enjoyed a brief moment of peace during Mother’s Day afternoon. Did not do any dishes, laundry or cooking at ALL. Relished every second of it. One day is not long enough – mothers deserve a week!
:: Watched ‘The Voice’ along with 2 million other Australians. I’m a big fan. Found myself marvelling over Keith Urban’s incredible knowledge of song lyrics, not to mention his sensitivity and good looks. Lucky, lucky Nicole.
So what have YOU been up to lately? Much happening at your place? Tell me – I’m all ears.
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