Rise and shine! |
So, we’re up for another school day and I’m gently trying to hurry Mr 14 along. Like me, he is NOT a morning person. Especially today. He is mono-syllabic and moves with the urgency of a turtle.
“Come on, mate. Don’t want to miss the bus.”
He gives me a look that says he couldn’t care less about the bus. I ignore it and keep packing his lunch into his bag. He continues to put his shoes and socks on. Slowly.
I glance at the clock on the wall, the one we use religiously for Bus Arrival Mean Time and it says he has only 4 minutes left to get out of the house. If he misses it, then I’ll have to take him. I don’t want to take him; that means poor H loses 45 mins from his morning before-school routine, something he really doesn’t appreciate, not to mention that I’d have to wait til I returned home to eat breakfast.
Finally, Mr 14 grabs his bag.
“I don’t know where your wallet is,” I say, as he strolls to the door. His bus pass is in it, among other things.
“I think I lost it,” he mumbles.
Oh, FFS!
He looks at me and I realise I just said those words out loud.
“When was the last time you had it?” I ask.
He shrugs. “Dunno. I haven’t had it for two weeks but I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d say that.”
Oh. Right. Because this isn’t the FIRST bus pass he’s ever lost, is it? Uh, no. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to replace it over the past 3 years. I swear they should just tattoo a bar code on his arm. Even HE would find it hard to lose that.
I shake my head. We don’t have time for this discussion now so I open the front door. “Just make sure you catch the bus, okay? Have a good day. See ya.”
He acknowledges me with a sheepish tip of his head and jogs down the front steps and out of the driveway. Meanwhile, I’m already adding another job on my list for today.
*sigh* |
What is it with teenage boys and their stuff? Bus passes. School jumpers. Socks. Sports shirts. Lost, drifting in the wind to who knows where. It’s like he has a 2 foot memory. FFS!!
And yes, I just said it out loud again but no-one’s here to listen so it doesn’t count!
Do your kids lose things? How do you deal with it? Or not, as the case may be? Please tell me I’m not the only one dealing with this!
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