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We made it!

It’s funny how having a deadline can push you to achieve what would normally be considered unworkable or unrealistic, isn’t it? Sometimes just knowing you need to complete a certain task by a certain time can make all the difference. Otherwise there’s no impetus or drive for you to push through and achieve your goal…

But that could just be me.

I can’t tell you how many times I have done that in the past, subjecting myself to these crazy mental deadlines – I clearly have a bit of a habit of putting myself under the pump!

However, I am very happy to report that Plan: Installation Flooring and Operation Reorganise House were both successful! I swear sheer stubborn will on my part was partially responsible. Not to mention wonderful organisation and hands-on direction from The Provider to our installers, too.

I think you’ll agree, the end result was well worth it:

I am so happy with how it all looks! Exactly like the picture I’ve had in my head all along. 🙂

Christmas was awesome at Chez Korol and made all the more special for a couple of reasons: the Groovy Grandma was here and summer finally arrived in Sydney – we had blue skies overhead and sun! The boys eventually roused from slumber at the positively decadent late hour of 9am – a clear sign that the occupants of this house are getting older, perhaps? However, the later start to the day was especially appreciated by me as I had only collapsed into bed at 12.30am that morning!

All my hard work of Christmas Eve doing loads of food prep paid off – the massive glazed ham went straight into the oven, new potatoes cooked on the stove leaving the large bowl of freshly shelled prawns and prepared cold salads sitting ready to serve in the fridge. Voila!

Along with a roast pork neck and baked turkey breast that other members of the family contributed to the lunch, we had MILES of food. Just the perfect build-up before the traditional ‘lounging around on the couch in front of the TV’ during the afternoon. Noice.

I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas festivities – did Santa treat everyone well? Now we’re all looking forward to New Years Eve… I’m so incredibly relieved happy thrilled that there will be no renovating between now and then. LOL.

2 responses to “We made it!”

  1. Rosie Avatar

    Looks fantastic. So glad it happened for you, Sarah and how good do the polished boards look? Have fun with GG. I'm sure you're enjoying the girl time x

  2. What Sarah Did Next Avatar

    Gotta love it when a plan comes together, right? I must admit, there were times I was worried we wouldn't get it all done in time but fortunately it all turned out!

    Hope your Chrissie was great too – give the girls a hug from me xx

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About Me

Hi, I’m Sarah!

Former wild-child of the 80’s, classic rock fan and loyal friend to a particularly awesome group of people. Forever planning to write more. Fervently wishes she lived at the beach. Loves the mighty All Blacks. Rather partial to a cheeky glass of red.

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