How do you feel about your body? Do you love it?
Right now, my answer is an emphatic NO. Because it’s that time of the month when my body decides it hates me and fills my uterus full of stabby needling cramps, sustaining them for 36 hours or so. This is usually combined with low back pain and a headache that won’t completely go away. I am pretty much incapacitated during this time. It takes everything I’ve got to force myself upright but I can’t stay that way for long. The Blokes Wot Live Here know (most times) not to poke the Pain-Crazed Mamma-Bear. She gets very irritable when roused.
I have been to my doctor about this, in case you were wondering. I will be having that pesky uterus taken out early next year. Good riddance! But for now, I have to hang on for a day or so, when I’ll be back to my normal self.
But back to the question about whether or not I heart my body. Do I really?
Overall, yes I do. But that love has been a long time coming. In my teens I wanted legs that were hair- free. (I had the hairiest legs out of all my friends. After months of trying everything from peroxide to lemon juice, I ended up shaving them). In my 20’s I wished for a body that was slimmer, without the mummy belly (I was having babies, while my childless friends were wearing midriff tops and going out.) In my 30’s I wished for my boobs to be bigger (post breast-feeding my boosies SHRANK to A cups. I was devastated.)
But in my 40’s, I have finally realised that there are way more ticks in the plus column than in the negative one. My body is strong and I now make of a point of looking after it. I don’t smoke, I eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and try to exercise regularly. I use good quality products on my skin. I colour my hair and have the occasional facial. I still have cellulite but hell, what woman doesn’t? I’m in excellent health, I don’t look my age and better yet, my pre-baby B cup boobs are back (accentuated to their full potential by a good bra!)
What’s not to love about that?
So tell me – do you heart your body? Share your story here…
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