Large parts of Queensland and northern New South Wales have. And Victoria is next in line.
It was a deep, soaking and constant rain that literally fell within hours, quickly swamping ground already sodden from higher than usual December rains and rising to levels not seen in this country for over 100 years. The ensuing devastation and loss happens with a ferocity that surprises and shocks a nation. Journalists are left grasping for adjectives to adequately describe the growing crisis, government authorities are stretched to the absolute limit, the death toll rising to 12 and grave fears held for a number of people still missing, their whereabouts unknown.
It’s been one helluva scary demonstration of the force capable from Mother Nature. I’m sure I can’t be the only one who thinks she’s been wreaking havoc more often than normal lately too, and on a global scale. Where are all those climate change sceptics now, hey?
My thoughts are with all those affected and I hope, for their sake, the water recedes soon so the massive clean up task can begin. It’s going to be a bloody long haul to repair the damage. Let’s make sure we all do what we can to help them.
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