I am exhausted. I smell. And I’ve spent the last twenty minutes picking paint out of my hair.
It was another huge day painting but, I’m happy to say, we are actually getting somewhere! All undercoating of house ceilings and walls is about 95% finished! We had dreadful humidity in ol’ Sydney town today (felt like around 80%, FFS) which meant by 9.15am, I had rivers of sweat pouring off me. Ugh. Not terribly glamorous, I must say. By the time school pick up rolled around, I was something close to ‘pong city’ – and totally desperate for a shower. I figured I’d do that when I got home. Ha! So much for that plan. The clock’s showing the time as a little after 9.30pm and I’m only just managing to sorting that out now.
But first!
It’s Monday (for a couple more hours in Australia, at least) so there’s the very important business of some music for you all. Today’s choice is all about weather – we’ve had some really hot days here this past week, a foreshadowing of the summer to come and it’s looking like we’re in for a scorcher this year. I’m going back a few years (well, more than a few actually) but this song always reminds me of lazy summer afternoons, lying on the sand and soaking up the ambience that only the beach can give.
Happy Mondays, everyone.
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