Monday is always a tough day to get going, isn’t it? I’m usually wishing it was still Sunday, that I could simply ignore that early morning alarm and snuggle deeper under the covers. But then the knowledge crowds my brain that unless I get up, I will have children at home all day and NOT at school. That’s all the impetus I need!
A short time later, I arrive back home after the school run and the first thing I do is turn some music on. My inner rock chick loves nothing better, in fact she demands it. Whether it’s doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, making beds, reconciling a bank statement or entering invoices into the computer, having music as the soundtrack of my day soothes my mind and helps me get through it all. I need all the help I can get on a Monday.
So, I’ve decided that Monday will be our weekly Music Day here. Every week I’ll post a clip of a song that I’m enjoying a lot and hopefully, it will help your day be a little less Monday-itis filled and a little more fun!
To start us off this week, here’s an Aussie band I’ve loved for a while:
It’s the John Butler Trio and their latest single, ‘Close To You’. Just the right amount of energy I need to get things done today. Enjoy!
Who’re you listening to at the moment? What’s the one song that you cannot live without in your life?
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