I’ve loved music for as long as I can remember. Like forever. I literally cannot function without it taking up some part of my day. There is nothing else on the planet with the ability to get me smiling, moving, coping, thinking (or not-thinking, as the case might be) faster than time with a large thumping dose of aural goodness into my ears.
Music has had my back whenever and wherever I’ve needed it, on more occasions than I can count. It has tirelessly soothed, inspired, eased, motivated, enhanced and/or distracted. I’ve powered through countless hours of housework, gardening, dog-walking and driving, not to mention rocking out at concerts, days at the beach, drinking on hot summer nights and intimate moments after dark with music my ever-present partner, loyal to the end. It’s the perfect accompaniment for anything and everything and can be all things to all kinds of people. That’s the cool thing about it.
Just like eating and sleeping as long as this half-century old heart still pumps blood around my body, for me music will be an essential part of my life, every day. As the very wise Jimi Hendrix once said: “Music is my religion.” Amen to that, brother.
Regular readers of this blog will know of my Music for Monday posts. Despite my lack of posting of late, I still get asked about them so it was only a matter of time before I brought them back… arm twisting not required at ALL.
So last night I was mentally sifting through possible choices to kick it all off when the answer serendipitously appeared. I was watching the last episode of Californication, after 6 weeks of romping through all 7 very funny seasons showcasing the comedic chops of the equally sexy and talented David Duchovny (seriously, how gorgeous is that man? Motherf*cker! Californication devotees will get the reference, haha!).
The final few minutes of Hank Moody introspection were underscored by one of my favourite songs from Elton John’s early years. It was the perfect choice for the way the series ended and even though the song was released in 1972, it sounded just as good now as it did then – the sign of a true classic if ever there was one.
Happy Monday, peeps.
Elton John – Rocket Man
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