Can you hear that?
I’ve been drinking it in ALL DAY. *happy sigh*
There have been women at school who were feeling more than a little bereft this week. And all because their children have gone back to school. A shocking state of affairs, I know. After spending six glorious weeks en famille, these ladies were quietly (and some not so quietly) mourning the ‘all-togetherness’ of school holidays, planned activities and outings and/or spending each and every waking moment with their offspring.
They’d relished the constant chattering, feeding, refereeing, chauffering, sharing and caring that abounds in holiday times. They’d been the epitome of the cool, organised entertainer who never ran out of Cheezels or Doritos and always knew the name of that song/artist/music playing on Channel V. They welcomed the last-minute sleepover guest with aplomb and could play all the latest PS3/Wii games like a pro.
All too soon the start of term approached and the days stretched out long and endless. The house had become too quiet, too still. Time between 9am and 3pm was bland in texture, sight and sound. (I’m being overly dramatic here but you catch my drift, right?)
Don’t get me wrong though, I am not judging these women. Definitely not. On the contrary, I admire and applaud these mothers who love doing nothing but devoting all of their energy toward their kids. They are truly amazing. And clearly far more patient than I.
Because as much as I might want to be, I am NOT one of those aforementioned women.
Maybe it’s because my boys are getting older (they’re now 23, 14 & 11) and becoming more independant these days. It might be because I refuse to be pigeonholed in a little box that says ‘Just a Mum’ and nothing else. Or perhaps it’s because I’m totally useless on a PS3.
The most likely reason is much more simple. Now that I’m beginning to salvage little pieces of time for myself, I’ve become more than a bit precious about giving it BACK. So consequently I am all: Off to school you go!
I’ve continued to squeeze a few more pockets of ‘me time’ into the annual calendar. There’s been the odd weekend away with the girls. A visit to NZ to stay with the Groovy Grandma. Shopping sans children, anywhere. And then there’s this weekend – going to a wedding with The Provider up the coast by ourselves. (We’re even staying overnight in a hotel! Woo hoo!)
What I’m trying to say is this: I love my boys with every fibre of my being. They are my most favourite people in the world. I will always be there cheering on the sidelines at rugby, watching with pride at karate, or encouraging/supporting/driving them somewhere for as long as I’m able to draw breath. They are, and will always be, the very light of my life.
Just not at the expense of that same life. And I’m a better mother because of it.
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