I love Sunday. It’s my favorite day of the week. And this morning it is especially lovely; blue skies, sunshine and a warm breeze. Hence the reason I decided to eat breakfast outside. Bliss!
Adding to the ambience, my unknown guitar-playing neighbour is practising a new piece of music this morning. It’s a wonderful soundtrack for the start of my day while I relax over a coffee, a piece of toast and a long read-through of the Sunday paper. Simply perfect.
It’s warm in ol’ Sydney Town today although we may get a storm later on if the odd threatening rumble up above is any indication. A spring shower would be most welcome, though – I spent most of Saturday in the garden so it will save me the job of watering this afternoon. Win/win all round.
Whilst I love being in the garden, I’m can’t say that I’m keen on the after-effects though. Muscles I’d forgotten I had swiftly reminded me of their presence within seconds of waking up this morning! I don’t seem to remember having this problem ten years ago. Or is that my memory going? Damn. The curse of getting older.
However today is Sunday – and we have no plans for the day – making it the perfect time to rest and relax. Rest assured, I fully intend to do lots of both while I have the chance!
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