We’re going to a wedding on the beach this weekend. The bride and groom are a gorgeous couple, really great company and have been friends of ours for a long time.
It’s been ages since we’ve been to a wedding but as it turns out this will be the first of two we are to attend this year. It’s funny how that works, isn’t it? Nuptials seem to burst forth in clusters; one minute you’re going to a wedding every other weekend, then you don’t go to one for yonks.
Sharing this special day will be their two beautiful young daughters, both of whom will be very excited about wearing their pretty flower girl dresses. They will be cuteness personified, I just know it.
Plus! There’s an awesome bonus that comes with this wedding, too. The Provider and I get to have a whole night away – without the kids – and in a swanky hotel, no less. Did I hear someone say room service?
There’s something kind of exciting and a little bit sexy about staying in a hotel out of town. Especially when the most time you’ve spent with your significant other lately involves doing his washing, cooking his dinner or listening to him snore beside you! The Provider has been working like a wee trojan of late, so this night away is very timely. And the perfect chance to wear that new lingerie I bought, lol.
It’ll be lovely. And we won’t have to dash off early from the reception to relieve babysitters. Plus if we’re really lucky, the rain that has been continuously falling in most of NSW and QLD (and doing my head in, but that’s a topic for another post) will subside long enough (cross fingers, toes, everything!!) for the bride to walk along the beach sand to join her groom late tomorrow afternoon.
If not, there’s always the old saying that says it’s good luck to have rain on your wedding day. The Provider and I certainly did, and look at us – we’re coming up to 17 years married next month! Amazing.
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